Watch — Taylor Rhodes, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, was interviewed by Fox31 on July 7th regarding the recently filed lawsuit against the City of Superior. RMGO, in conjunction with the National Foundation for Gun Rights and the National Association of Gun Rights, and a resident of Superior, filed a lawsuit against Superior for the gun restrictions they passed on June 7. The lawsuit alleges that the standard capacity magazine ban and assault weapons ban, among others, are blatant violations of the Second Amendment. According to Mr. Rhodes, the recent Supreme Court opinion in New York State Rifle and Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen provides Americans with a “four-ton wrecking ball” that they can use to take back the Constitutional right that has been all but stolen from them. Christopher Jackson, a Constitutional lawyer, believes this is the first in an “avalanche of litigation” surrounding the recently enacted gun restrictions along the Front Range. Mr. Rhodes hopes this lawsuit will overturn the standard-capacity magazine ban across the state. Only time will tell whether these restrictions will stand, but there is plenty of reasons to be optimistic.