Urgent! Sign Your Petition Now!

For the past three years, Colorado Democrats have pushed a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” and because of your help, we’ve successfully stopped them every time.

this time feels different.

Fresh off a devastating passage of a statewide guns and ammo tax ballot measure, an overwhelming number of emboldened co-sponsors in both chambers and Michael Bloomberg dumping MILLIONS of dollars into the Colorado political system….

…they might have the votes to pass the most radical gun ban in Colorado history… a full-blown California-style “Assault Weapons” Ban.

And this bill is unlike anything we’ve faced before.

It’s the most extreme assault on your Second Amendment rights yet.

If passed, this law would:

  • BAN magazine-fed semi-automatic firearms, including rifles, shotguns, and many handguns.
  • EMBOLDEN, an anti-gun Attorney General, to arbitrarily BAN GUNS as he sees fit.
  • Turn responsible gun owners into CRIMINALS simply for owning firearms millions of Americans commonly use daily for sport, self-defense, and hunting.

This isn’t about “common sense” or “public safety.”

This is a direct and deliberate attack on law-abiding Coloradans like you.

This is an attack on our Colorado way of life.

If we don’t fight back NOW, Colorado will never be the same again.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is gearing up for the fight of a lifetime, but we can’t do it without your help. Our strategy is clear: we must sway Governor Polis to veto this bill and urge the General Assembly to shelve it before it gets any closer to becoming law.

Here’s how you can help:

👉 Sign our petition to the Governor. Firmly tell Governor Polis to stand with Colorado families and veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

👉 Contribute to support the fight. Once you sign your petition, you will be directed to a donate page; every dollar strengthens our ability to fight this bill tooth and nail, ensuring that we can rally gun owners across Colorado.

We have faced attacks on our freedoms before, but it goes without saying that this is the closest they’ve come to their gun control crown jewel.

If we don’t act now, we’ll be handing them Colorado’s proud legacy of gun ownership on a silver platter.

We simply can’t let that happen.

With your help, RMGO will do everything in its power to stop this madness and protect your rights. But we need every one of our 200,000 members and supporters to stand with us.

This fight won’t be easy, but we must win it. Colorado depends on it.

Sign Your Petition Now!