“Turn your semi-auto rifles in, or we’re coming to get them.”
This sounds sensational. But, I gotta tell you, I am frickin’ PISSED.
I just received an email from the Town of Superior about their gun control ordinance, and it reads like a line out of the movie Red Dawn.

It says, “Remove your semi-auto rifles and ‘high capacity magazines from the city, or face criminal charges.”
If you want to see the entire email, CLICK HERE to read it on the town’s website.
Overnight, the Town of Superior turned hundreds of law-abiding citizens into criminals.
And if you are sitting there thinking, “well, that will never happen in my city,” pull your head out of the sand – YOU ARE WRONG.
This is just the start. Other towns and cities are considering identical proposals.
Superior has proven even a town with less than 14,000 people will go to the world’s end to disarm you.
But, Fellow Patriot, this isn’t some passive gun-grab like we have seen in Denver and Boulder in the past.
Superior is putting its subjects on notice that unless they qualify for an exemption, they aren’t only going to just passively enforce this; they are going to make waste of anyone who doesn’t fall in line by actively looking for gun owners who refuse to comply.
I have been warning you of this since SB21-256 was passed into law. Localities, especially the small ones that have traditionally been left unaccountable, will feel the power of these ordinances and weaponize it to disarm you.
The most egregious part of this monstrosity is the registry they have created for so-called “illegal weapons,” which they define as “an assault weapon, large-capacity magazine, rapid-fire trigger activator, blackjack, gas gun, metallic knuckles, gravity knife, or switchblade knife.
Per the ordinance, a large-capacity magazine means any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten (10) rounds but shall not be construed to include any of the following: a feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accommodate more than ten (10) rounds; a twenty-two (22) caliber tube rim-fire ammunition feeding device; or a tubular magazine that is contained in a lever-action firearm.”
If you own something that falls into that category today, you are now a criminal in Superior.
But, if you want to keep your “illegal weapon,” you have to jump through nearly impossible hoops and be added to an illegal gun registry.
You see, if you own a so-called “illegal weapon,” you must resubmit a background check during business hours (9 AM-3 PM, Monday-Friday) and have your weapons inspected and “certified.”
The idea they are “certifying” your weapon is total BS.
It is nothing more than a ploy to get your name and serial number on a government list housed by the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office.
Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines. This is coming to a city near you.
We have filed suit in Federal Court to overturn this madness, but we can’t do it without you.
On Wednesday, we even filed a Temporary Restraining Order to stop the town of Superior and Boulder County Sheriff’s Office from enforcing this draconian confiscation order.
That’s why we need you to step up to the plate in a big way. If you haven’t already, we need your most generous donation to our legal fund right now.
So, please, CLICK HERE, or the image below to donate to the legal fund now.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to the Second Amendment. We are in the fight for our lives, and we can’t afford to sit by and let this happen.
For Freedom,
Taylor D. Rhodes
Executive Director
P.S. – The Town of Superior has lost their frickin’ minds, and we have to stop them. They just ordered their citizens to turn in their semi-auto rifles and “high capacity” (>10 rounds) magazines, or else face criminal prosecution.
Join the fight today by donating to our lawsuit now!
Click here or the image below to donate now.