If you don’t know who Michael Bloomberg is, he’s a billionaire progressive known for steering the ship as New York recovered from the attacks of 9/11. He’s a failed presidential candidate that spent over $1 billion on his campaign and couldn’t even compete against Joe Biden. Not to mention, Bloomberg has been a pain in the neck of gun owners for well over a decade. You see, he and his anti-gun cronies are working tirelessly to disarm honest, hard-working Americans. Now, he’s opened his checkbook to progressive, anti-gun politicians in Colorado, hoping to change the culture into something more akin to the New York he once ruled.
Bloomberg despises the cultural heritage of Colorado, as evidenced by his pouring more than $3 million into Jared Polis and anti-gun champion Tom Sullivan’s campaigns since September 29. This is simply a continuation of the proven successful strategy in The Blueprint: How Democrats Won Colorado. Polis, Rutt Bridges, Tim Gill, and Pat Stryker proved that big money could control a state’s political trajectory, and now Bloomberg is hopping on the train. He’s already dumped millions into past elections here in Colorado, hoping to create the utopia he so desperately craves. Unfortunately for us, his paradise comes at our expense.
Colorado is rooted in a history of liberty and freedom. This state was founded by pioneers that braved the elements to conquer the Rockies. Ranching and farming are the backbones of our history. With that comes an appreciation for the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. This is perhaps the most appalling aspect of Colorado’s culture to Michael Bloomberg. His crusade against the “peasants” (us) owning guns has made Colorado ground zero for the post-Bruen Second Amendment battle. If he has his way, Coloradoans will be deprived of firearms, insulating him from danger.
If you doubt Bloomberg’s desire to disarm Coloradoans, look no further than the efforts of Everytown for Gun Safety along Front Range communities. They have single-handedly inspired city councils in Superior, Boulder, Louisville, and Boulder County to take measures to ban so-called “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines. Recently, the cities of Arvada, Broomfield, and Longmont have announced their intentions to pursue similar gun-control ordinances. All of them are in communication with Everytown for Gun Control and are backed by blank checks from Bloomberg himself. The Democratic Machine effectively infiltrates communities and takes over their city councils, providing him the necessary apparatus to enact the anti-freedom legislation he loves.
Bloomberg’s move into Colorado politics has been solidified through his recent donation of $1 MILLION to Tom Sullivan’s campaign in SD 27. He used the Everytown IEC as cover, buying ad time for attack ads on pro-gun Tom Kim. I cannot explain how absurd this amount of money is for a State Senate race – some Congressional races don’t even see this kind of money being spent by outside groups. Sullivan is famously the most anti-gun legislator in Colorado, tragically losing his son in the Aurora theater shooting. Consequently, he chose not to see the issue as a failure of the community to address mental health concerns adequately. Instead, Sullivan decided to treat every one of his constituents as the same potential monster and pursue measures to disarm them. In Bloomberg’s eyes, this makes Sullivan a superstar. Michael Bloomberg can purchase the results he wants in the political world, where money almost always equals victory. In this case, it means depriving the people of SD 27 of a candidate that sees them as good, hard-working citizens in favor of one that sees them all as the same monster that robbed him of his child.

Make no mistake, Everytown is an outsider group funded by an outsider billionaire actively working to change the cultural makeup of Colorado. They see Second Amendment advocates as child murderers who care more about guns than kids’ lives. They despise our efforts to uphold the Second Amendment and will stop at nothing to force their ideology upon us. Thankfully, we have avenues to combat their political plague.
It is our duty, as Americans, to protect our rights through whatever means we have available to us. With people like Bloomberg, Polis, and Stryker exerting power through money, we must turn toward the legal system for victory. As the legislative route is seemingly closed, barring a miracle on election day, we must turn toward the courts. Right now, we have the opportunity to stop radical gun control in its tracks thanks to Justice Thomas and the Bruen decision. It is a virtual certainty we will see gun and magazine bans ruled unconstitutional, whether at the District Court level or at the Supreme Court. If the legislature is out of reach, we must focus on the legal battle we are currently fighting as much of our resources as possible. RMGO is presently suing the State over its magazine ban, in addition to the consolidated lawsuit against Superior, Boulder, and Louisville. If all goes well, we can hamstring Bloomberg’s efforts to eliminate the Second Amendment in Colorado. All we need is your support. No amount of money can overcome a community united in defense of our rights.