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From The Desk of Taylor D. Rhodes

Rally Against the 2024 “Assault Weapons” Ban with Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
The Colorado Legislature is considering a sweeping "Assault Weapons" ban that threatens our constitutional rights. It's time to stand up, speak out, and make our voices heard. Join us and the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners for a crucial rally on the West Steps of the...
Press Release

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners File Lawsuit Challenging Colorado’s “Ghost Gun” Ban
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners File Lawsuit Challenging Colorado’s “Ghost Gun” Ban RMGO fulfills promises to sue over Senate Bill 23-279, the homemade firearm ban, citing the recent Bruen decision. Monday, January 1, 2024 DENVER, CO —...

How to testify in against the 2024 “Assault Weapons” Ban
The Colorado "Assault Weapons" Ban will be heard in a House Judiciary Committee at the capital on Tuesday, March 19th, at approximately 10:00 a.m. Make sure to at least sign up to testify online or, better yet, in person. You may be waiting for a long time for your...

Grassroots Activism Defeats Gun Control: The Full Story of the 2023 “Assault Weapons” Ban
Michael Bloomberg has an estimated net worth of around $70 billion, making him one of the richest men that has ever lived. As a wealthy elite, he is naturally disgusted by the idea of people he sees as lesser than him being able to own and bear firearms. Therefore, he...